第一本:《The Habit Blueprint: 15 Simple Steps to Transform Your Life》
第二本:《RESET: How to Restart Your Life and Get F.U. Money: The Unconventional Early Retirement Plan for Midlife Careerists Who Want to Be Happy》
第三本:《Ways to Awesome: Use the Power of the 30-Challenge to Transform Your Life》
第四本:《Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking》
AR BookFinder US
对于英语学习者而言,AR BookFinder的一大亮点在于将海量的优秀原版书籍按照阅读难度进行了划分,你完全可以按照自己的能力来选取书籍。总结下来,AR BookFinder的针对Eslers的两个主要优势是:1,采用分级阅读体系,加上其收录的都是非常优秀和具有代表性的作品,这使它成为Eslers寻找原版书籍的绝佳工具。AR采用ATOS Book Level(BL)体现书的难易级别,0.1位最低,20.0是最高。通常认为6.0 - 9.0是初一到高一,9.0 - 12.0是高一到高三英文阅读同等水平。小数点前的数字代表年级,小数点后面的数字表示第几个月,例如4.6表示与美国小学4年级第5个月的英文阅读等同水平。BL的定级标准主要用四个参数的加权计算得到,分别是全书的字数,平均句子长度,平均单词长度和词汇难度。注:CCR是College and Career Readiness,为大学和职业生涯准备的图书,难度更大,书籍题材更广,文化视角类书籍更多。其中有些书的语言和内容难度都已经比较高了,话题也深刻,适合英语程度较好的Eslers阅读。除了这样一个针对难度的硬性指标,AR还引入了Interest Level (IL),就是基于书的幼稚度,人物,情节给出的建议阅读年龄(age appropriate of a book),主要有四个级别:LG (Lower Grades,幼儿园到三年级)MG (Middle Grades,四年级到初二年级)MG+ (Middle Grades Plus,初一以上)UG (Upper Grades,高一以上)IL对于阅读水平与实际年龄有差的读者非常实用。假设你是一个想学英语的白领,阅读水平不高但是又想选取比较适合成年人阅读的话题,就可以选择BL比较低,IL在MG+以上的书。另外,IL分级中,UG级别的书内容已经比较深刻和严肃了。随便找一本书《伟大的盖茨比》做示范:考虑到美国学生的阅读能力强和文化上的得天独厚,这本书BL只给了7.3,也就是美国的初中生就可以阅读了,但个人觉得这本书对于我国四六级的学生难度依然太大,可见大家在挑选书籍时可以选取比参考值难度低一点的书。2,强大的搜索功能和书单。高级搜索功能AR具有强大的搜索功能,善用IL和BL搜索可以选出适合自己阅读喜好和能力的书籍。如果要做进一步的限定书籍的话题,可以在additional criteira选择,种类丰富,总有一本适合你,如图除此而外,你也可以在阅读前用AR查看一下难度用以指导自己。------------------现在分享给大家一些我读过和即将要读的资源,每本书我都会标注BL和IL。另外,阅读是一个很私人的事情,这里只是推荐,你完全可以用AR寻找适合自己口味的书。这个书单的高级(advanced)部分基本都是我自己读过的,强烈推荐给程度比较好的朋友。
初级的书基本都有配图,IL都集中在LG左右,但是大量的配图和简单的故事情节同样适合成年的英语学习者,这有助于他们积累基础词汇量(Tier 1 vocabulary)。BlastDareHorton Hatches the EggMiss RumphiusThe Name JarThe Red Badge of Courage (Saddleback)历史,美国高中生的必读书本
火星编年史科幻大作Far Beyond the Garden GateAbsolutely MaybeMaybe是书中女主公的名字,讲述的Maybe和两个小伙伴Ted和Hollywood找自己亲生爸爸的故事,故事跌宕起伏,有惊喜,有彷徨,有希望……
伟大的盖茨比Fitzgerald的所有作品都值得细读,文笔太棒了。反正我并不会把他的作品当成英语小说,而是当成语文课本在评鉴。这本书AR BL是7.3,相当于美国初中生的同等阅读水平,但其实对于Eslers而言,他的作品是由相当大的难度的,但是认真读完收获很大。刺猬的优雅强烈推荐,翻译文笔太棒!刀锋文笔棒到让人忧伤,毛姆的所有作品都值得一读1984奥维尔的传世之作,必读!世界大战喜欢科幻的朋友可以读一读,Wells还有很多别的科幻作品,不妨在AR里找找看。Time and Again历史穿越小说,书中大量对于1882年纽约城市 细节的描写,读起来比较无聊,除非你对纽约的历史有很大的兴趣。红色勇气勋章美国高中生必读,关于美国南北战争的,战争场面惊心动魄,主人公肉体和心灵两方面的主观感受,非常值得阅读。
The hunger games看过电影的人应该都知道情结有多紧凑好看,所幸的是词汇也非常简单,我觉得四级就够了,阅读起来其实没什么难度
The notebook
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Eat Pray Love
"Little Women" By Louisa May Alcott路易莎•梅•奥尔科特著的《小妇人》和傲慢与偏见蛮像,都是讲一家有四个女儿的爱情故事
10.Animal Farm (动物农场)
11.A clue to the exit
12.the thirty nine steps
16.One Day
18.Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见
20.The Good Earth
by Pearl Buck目前还没有读完,赛珍珠的名作,就读到的部分来说,文字非常流畅,不会过于修辞性,比较好读。讲的是晚清中国,也许可以算是一种西方对东方的观照吧。
21.The Picture of Dorian Gray
By Oscar Wilde王尔德的小说非常有趣的地方,是特别多刻薄又精警的句子,而且作为一本文学性读物来说,这本的语言非常好读,薄薄一本,也适合入门阅读。当然,某种程度上,也可以算是英国文化的入门读物。
22.Jared Diamond----《Guns, Germs, and Steel》/ 《枪炮、细菌与钢铁》
初中,百词斩绿色难度。glance.高中,没过或刚过四级:去百词斩爱阅读,看汤姆叔叔的小屋简单版本,橙色难度。尽可能快glance.床头灯3000词系列.O,你可以看看床头灯的序言。那样you will know the inportance of reading and quick read.福尔摩斯探案集简单版本,百词斩。有书也可以,不要原本。准备六级或六级:床头灯5000词,百词斩红色。glance.我上面推荐的都是降一个难度的。因为那样有利于快速扫过阅读。那样才最有利于阅读水平和英语水平的提高。也不必想太多。上面的书看完,就随便看原著了。什么海底两万里啊
这个书单是推荐给那些想要读英文原版书又不知从哪一本开始读起的人。我这一年,看了许多英文原版书籍,也写了很多英文书评。这份书单是我读的书里面选出来了5本入门的英文原版书籍,后三本的书籍推荐是英文的书评,推荐给喜欢学习英文的你。1. 《Where Rainbow Ends》Cecelia Ahern豆瓣评分:7.9/10推荐理由“愿有人和你一起数晨昏,陪你走到青丝剥离成白发,春雷响彻寒冬”用了不到5天的闲暇时间看完的近500页这部跨越45年的故事。非常推荐,是那种看了就很难停下来的书。语言通俗易懂,平淡却真实和感动。这是一本关于友情,梦想,爱情和亲情的书。没有什么狗血的剧情但作者Cecelia却把主人公的个性和心理的变化描绘的淋漓尽致,没有什么鸡汤,也没有让你勇敢的去追求真爱一类的豪言壮语。本来,人这一生就是不断错过的过程。男女主人公的每一次对自己的选择,他们也许会后悔但他们也都为自己的每一个选择负责。从未离开的陪伴很温暖,他们彼此愿意把最美好的东西“时间”奉献给彼此,即使各自有自己的家庭,即使发生过矛盾,但那份陪伴根深蒂固。2. 《The Gift》Cecelia Ahern豆瓣评分:7.5/10推荐理由愿我们都能找到真正的快乐,愿我们都不负时光。这本书个人非常推荐,如果只能推荐一本英文原版书,我会推荐这本书。它背后存在的意义让我明白了什么叫做不负时光,什么叫做珍惜和做自己想做的事。下面是我读完之后写的书评,分享给你们:我,是一个工作狂,我有妻子和两个孩子。我很爱她们,但我好像更爱我的工作。高大上的办公室,每天加班到深夜,我却乐此不疲。因为我觉得我这样是成功。其实我已经在生活的轨道上越走越偏,我迷失了自己,我不知道我对工作的执念是为了什么。我有很大的成就感可是我并不是快乐。不管我从前和现在获得了多少的荣誉和赞扬,那种迫切的想要获得更大的荣誉和赞扬的思想总之挥之不去。所以,我变得越来越暴躁,我对我身边的人很凶,我故意的说出很多伤人的话,我以为我会更快乐一些。可惜我没有,我只能继续加班工作像机器不能停下来。而这一切,是在我遇到公司楼下的一个流浪汉之后,改变了。觉得流浪汉很可怜,给他买了杯咖啡,顺便给了他一份公司的工作。那时的我我觉得简直太酷了。虽然我没有想到因为他,我的生活从一片黑白的世界,渐渐走向了多彩和温暖。其实我仔细想了想,也许他是上天派给我的天使。他虽然是个流浪汉,但他却给了我很多很多的礼物,那些我活了大半生才惊觉到身边的财富。我以为我的心是石头做的,没想到只是坚硬的冰罢了虽然外表坚硬无比,但内心却非常柔软脆弱我开始意识到在我冰冷的外表下,那份被自己压抑了很久的温暖的爱。每次老婆换了件漂亮的衣服,她总会问我,你觉得这件衣服好看么?我从来没有正眼看过一次,我都是敷衍的点点头。这次她又问我,我仔细的看了面前的这个女人,她的头发,她的笑容,她的一切都是那么的美。我开始陷入了大学时的回忆,最重要的是这样一个曾经比我优秀,比我成熟的女人竟然嫁给了我一直无私的为了我们的家和孩子无私的奉献。我那一瞬间竟然屏住了呼吸,发现我好爱好爱她,她是那么的迷人而我过去是那么的混蛋。还有,我爸爸70大寿。我把全家人的宴会地点定在了高大上的豪华餐厅我花钱一向很大方,对于家人我更是毫不吝啬,当我工作结束去到宴会现场的时候,我发现我错了,原来从头到尾都错了。这里的音乐是那么的格格不入。这个好似生意人的宴会,没有椅子,因为生意人要社交。我看到我年迈的爸爸妈妈,还有很多家人,他们脸上的表情都写满了尴尬那一瞬间,我深深地自责,我和主办方说,给他们搬椅子,我付给你们更多的钱把音乐换成老年人爱听的音乐,不要这么吵我走去爸爸的身边轻轻地说了声对不起,爸爸对着我笑说:孩子,你看上去有些疲惫,很累么?我马上要升职了,我会赚更多的钱了。爸爸脸上没有喜悦 说 是不是代表你要工作的时间更长了?我没有说话。有一天领导把我叫到他的办公室说,在我和我的对手(虽然我觉得他只是个笨蛋)的角逐中 我赢得了一切,有了更大的办公室,我有了更有权利的职位。圣诞节前夜我提前去了公司 享受一下这份胜利的喜悦我走进了这个我期盼已久的偌大办公室,看着窗外万家灯火,我独自坐在转椅上,脑海里却浮现了流浪汉对我说过的一句Walt Disney 说的话” A man should never neglect his family for business”。曾经的过往仿佛一部电影,在我的脑海里一幕幕的浮现,我忽然觉得 在这个办公室很孤独,我想回家。如果你准备看这本书,下面的内容请不要继续看,会结局剧透。结尾让我感到很难过,直到现在我在写这篇书评的时候,我还是止不住眼里的泪水。略微的残忍,尤其是他在懂得了一切,从他诺大的办公室非常期盼的回家陪伴家人的那段描写和他在出车祸前的心理活动。也许生活的美好正是在于我们对未来一无所知,对死亡毫无察觉。也在于当我们懂得了生命中最重要的是什么之后能够还有机会给予和陪伴,即使只有一小会儿。就像他在车祸之后,和他的家人通话的那段时间可能是他在这一生中最快乐的时光一样。我想,所有人都想多赚钱,当然也想陪伴家人。但很可惜,我们的一生,时间都是有限的。The Gift会让你在看完之后让你陷入沉思,思考一下,什么能给你那份心底的快乐。真正的快乐,不是多么轰轰烈烈,多半是简简单单。比如一个陪伴家人的旅行,一次参加孩子的汇演,一顿烹饪美味的佳肴,这些平淡的回忆却充满了暖暖的爱。可惜,更多的人选择把有限的时间分给工作,而非家庭。这本书最美的地方就在于,它教会了你要珍惜时间,要感触生活里的美好,要握住感情里的纯真。想一想,你心底的快乐到底来自哪里不要让自己遗憾。“Time can't be given. But it can be shared."3. 《PARIS FOR ONE AND OTHER SOTRIES》Jojo Moyes豆瓣评分: 8.0/10书籍简介:Nell is 26 and has never been to Paris.She has never even been on a weekend away with her boyfriend. Everyone knows she is just not the adventurous type.But, when her boyfriend doesn't turn up for heir romantic mini-break, Nell has the chance to prove everyone wrong.Alone in Paris, Nell meets the mysterious moped-riding Fabien and his group of carefree friends.Could this turn out to be the most adventurous weekend of her life?推荐理由我的英文书评附上,给大家参考:"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create."- Albert Einstein💛Journalist & Novelist Jojo MoyesJojo, who grew up in London, is a quite famous novelist. She has won the Romantic Novelist's Award twice and Me before You has gone on to sell over 8 million copies worldride. The film adaptation of Me Before You starring Sam Claflin (The Hunger Games) and Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) was released in June 2016 and was a huge box-office success. The screenplay was written by Jojo. 🔈Recommend to 👥I highly recommend this book to advanced English learners. No difficult words, simple secentence structure, easy to understand. If you are interested in learning English or improving your reading skills, you definitely can check this out. BUT if you have never read Jojo Moyes' books before, DO NOT read this book first beacuse this book is not her best book and I would love to recommend her another book which I mentioned before Me Before You to be her frist book valuable to read.💛About this book📖This book contains 11 short stories about love. PARIS FOR ONE was honestly my favourite of the collection. This story was the longest among the collection. Nell has never been to Paris. In fact, she had barely been beyond her own postcode. I adore the Paris setting very much. As we all know, Paris is the global center for art, fashion, gastronomy and culture. She planned to go to Paris with her boyfriend on a romantic weekend. However Nell's boyfriend failed to show up. Nell had to experience everything of Paris on her own. She had to find herself alon in a strange romantic city even though she was afraid. Her selfish boyfriend didn't care her feelings at all. This adventure will change her totally and you will enjoy this delightful story while reading. Trust me :)The other 10 stories are really short stories, I don't think these could be treated as Novel. They all talk about love and love, telingl us about marriage, secret love, working mother and neglected wife etc. All the stories make you feel you are the one who plays the role and Jojo's book could bring youself think further more about relationship, about future or current marriage. From novel, you could hardly get any knowledgable information BUT novels could borden our imagination which will open our minds to new possibilities and new ideas helping us experience our world through others' lives and stories.4. 《THE UNSPEAKABLE LOSS: How Do You Live After a Child Dies?》Nisha Zenoff Ph.D.Goodreads评分:4.5/5书籍简介:In The Unspeakable Loss, Nisha Zenoff offers support, guidance and wisdom from others who have experienced the death of a child, as well as her personal story after the death of her beloved 17-year-old son, Victor, and her insight as a grief counselor and psychotherapist.推荐理由我的英文书评附上,给大家参考:“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." —— Helen KellerNisha Zenoff Ph.D. is a California licensed marriage and family counselor, psychotherapist, grief counselor, movement therapist and process-oriented psychologist who began her career more than 35 years ago.This book is dedicated to bereaved parents and families and to those who support them with love. The author's seventeen-years-old son, Victor, died in a hiking accident. As what the name of the book said, How do you live after a child dies? Will you be afraid if you mention his/her name in front of others? OR Will time heal you in the future? Think about after 20 years of their death, what will you feel?When we speak the names of our loved ones, we keep them alive in memory and celebrate their lives even though they died. The author said sometimes she grieved and she missed Victor every day. But meantime, we can finally discovered and felt that even with a broken heart, we still can learn to love and embrace life again. I think life likes a journey, no matter how sharp glasses are, over the years, they will become smooth, like the ages, the same with pain.One of the powerful things she provides to people who lost their children is the courage and wisdom: keeping your children with you through your memories and keeping in mind the beautiful words they told you before. Try to accept it as part of your healing process. Honestly, it is really difficult but choose to be brave. In other words, you can only accept and choose forgiveness because you love your children and they love you as well.When I saw the cover of this book, I grabbed it straight away becuase I am curious how to do? how do people live after a child dies? I didn't have an answer at all. Surviving the loss of a child is unthinkable to all loving parents. In the book the author answered many typical questions. THE UNSPEAKABLE LOSS is a bacon of hope. Her inspirational words like a warm hug, showing the spirit of love to readers.5. 《THE YEAR THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING》Cathy Kelly亚马逊评分: 4.8/5书籍简介Three women celebrate their birthdays . . . 30. 40. 50. But their milestone birthdays marks the start of a year that will change everything . . .Full of warmth and wisdom, this is a story about finding happiness on your own terms from international bestseller Cathy Kelly推荐理由Cathy Kelly was born in Northern Ireland and brought up in Dublin. She started work as a journalist in an national newpaper in Irish. Her first book, Woman To Woman, was published in 1997 and this book was listed at No.1 on Irish besterseller charts. After that, lots of her novels have been listed No.1 around the world and are published in many different languages.Apart from that, she was appointed as a UNICEF Ireland Ambassador. She mainly focus on global parenting - caring for children orphaned or affected by HIV/AIDS.Callie, Sam and Ginger from three different backgrounds celebrate their birthdays at their age of 30, 40 and 50.Callie, who is a former model, lives in a big house and married with a rich and glamorous businessman Jason. Everyone thought she is happy but actually her heart said " My Not So Damn Perfect Life". Her husband is a successful businessman and he is a rainmaker when it came to money. He went to work every morning at half six and only the direst emergencies got him back before six. On her 50th birthday, her husband Jason threw her a big party and invited many friends even Callie didn't want this way. During the party, a knock at the door by a detective superintendent who came to arrest her husband Jason due to the fraud turned her perfect life upside down. This 50th birthday totally changed her world and she started to deeply think about her past and her future. She has to face everything by herself and also her wrinkles and her furry face.📖Whether she can come through all of those shits, you can find from this bookSam,who is a mother,works really hard and her husband is extremly considerate towards her. She is finally pregnant after many years of trying. On her 40th birthday, her waters break and gave birth to a new life, a new baby. Unfortunately, Sam's mom didn't set up an good example for her, so she is quiet anxious about how to be a good mother. Personally speaking, Cathy, the author, really did a excellent job of protraying a woman who was so emotional and afraid to be a great mom. When women turns to their 40's, the courage, the fear and the insecurities will definitely infulence them.📖How is she going to be a mother? You can find from this bookGinger, who wears XXXL large clothes and flat shoes, focuses on her job and chooses to hide her true feelings becuase she is insecure. Her friend Liza planned her 30th birthday and on her 30th birthday, she met Stephen who seems fall in love with her at the first sight. Ginger who is lack of self confidence believes that she is her Mr right in her rest of life. However, the fact is, she heard her best friend bitch about her weight in a very rude way and she could feel the traitorous tears rearing up. She'd never expected Liza to do it after 26 years of friendship. She can only put all her passion and energy to her work, but.....d📖Will she finally find out that she needs to love herself first to get a true love? You can find from this book.I really enjoy reading Cathy's book because you can feel the value of love and her book will make you feel you are one of thoses. The story is empowering and full of warmth and wisdom.I highly recommend this book to women to read no matter what age you are. THE YEAR THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING will lead you to find the silver linings in life and find the true value in your life. 希望对你有帮助。欢迎关注@早安读书, 和我一起高效阅读,加速成长。